By the way, when in SF, do drop in to check out the teeny Burmese place Yamo on 18th between Mission and Valencia. This counter service hole-in-the-wall is dirt cheap, and utterly fresh-- seeing as how there would be absolutely no place to keep much of anything prepared in advance. I had the potstickers and the tea salad. The potstickers were decent and pure in their pork and vegetable simplicity, and came with the delicately crisp bottoms so prized in a pan-fried dumpling. I prefer a more tricked-out kind with lots of ginger and chives and stuff, but that's ok. The real winner of my meal was the salad: a small heap of finely shredded cabbage is tossed with tea leaves, green onions, fried garlic, lentils, peanuts, sesame, sprouts, dried shrimp and I don't even know what else. The result is an intriguing mix of crunchy, salty, herby and spicy. It's not dissimilar to Thai salads, I would say. This presentation differs from what I understand to be the more traditional little-piles-of-stuff approach, but I have no complaints. I wonder if I can search out some Burmese in this town..?
I'm not even sure how I stumbled across your blog, or whether it is even for anyone else's amusement besides your own...I just have to tell you I'm addicted. Your site is like total food porn! Best of all, it always reminds me that cooking and enjoying food is an adventure, not just a mundane task. I've checked out many other food sites (because I love food) but yours is my favorite.
So yeah, thanks! Can't wait to hear about the yummy stuff your going to make/try next!
Libby in Dallas Texas
ps: care to post any recipes? Especially that noodle bake stuff.
thanks, libby! i'm glad you enjoy my blog. i know, i always mean to post recipes, but i get pretty lazy about it. there are, however, a small handful on flickr at http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=11999973%40N00&q=recipe&m=tags
thanks again!
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